Tuesday, November 10, 2009




西柏林的绿灯, 是不是比较可爱? 




开始上历史课了! 以下我当时拍下的照片和自维基百科的资料


外形: 155 公里长,3至4尺高

开始建造:1961年, 以铁丝网为材料, 后来被更换位砖墙



倒塌:1989年11约9日, 新東德政府開始計劃放鬆對東德人民的旅遊限制,但由於當時東德的中央政治局委員君特.沙博夫斯基(Günter Schabowski)對上級命令的誤解,錯誤地宣佈柏林圍牆即刻開放,導致數以萬計的市民走上街頭,拆毀圍牆,整個德國陷入極度興奮狀態。


Friday, November 6, 2009

At Mexico Airport

At Mexico City International AirportFrom Sao Paulo, Brazil, I took the connecting flight in Mexico City, before arriving in Monterey.

In the Mexico City airport, they took very long on the luggage collections where by the bags are arrange nicely on the conveyer belt. The conveyer belt is stopped and the policeman dog was running on the bag, from bag to bag, through and flows to check if there is any illegal item in the bags.It's very funny and first time I see this. The policeman dog is big and bags were just simply "pressed down" by it when it running from bag to bag.

Well, I’m actually quite worry that the policeman dog will stop on my bag!!! Because I have half a dozen on Maggie Mee cups!!! It is food and I'm sure the dog will like the food!!! hahaha~~~ if the policeman dog stop on your bag, the officer will put your bag aside, ask the owner to open the bag and check what you have in your bag.By the way, my imagination is just too good and actually both my bags are fine. The policeman dog not interested on the Maggie Mee cups at all.

Diary at Monterrey, Mexico

I know very little about Mexico. Desert, cactus, mexican food like tacos, tequila, mexican music, hot & spicy tabasco sauce (by the way, Tabasco is a state in Mexico, but tabasco sauce is from US, not Mexico!!!) drug? cowboy? good looking man?
Well, my diary at Monterrey, Mexico...

Monterrey is a city in the valley, surrounded by hills with the desert temperature which means hot in the day and cold at night. No rain, no wind, the sky is so clear, bright and no cloud at all.

In early spring of 2009, the lowest temperature is around 10'c while the highest temperature can go up to 40'c! This is due to the dessert weather and I’m so not use to live in a country with daily temperature changes from 10’c – 40’c.

Mexican food is very spicy but good! We went to El Papalote, a very unique Mexican restaurant serving the world's greatest tacos!


A few Mexican colleagues, who I worked with closely, are very low profile, friendly, helpful and excellent team player.

Mexico and its neighbor
Mexico and United States of America is like Malaysia and Singapore. The American will drive across the border and pump petrol (or gas) as the rate is lower in Mexico. The city where I was in, Monterey is 2 hours driving journey from the America. I was told by my Mexican colleagues that everyday, there are quite a number of Mexicans trying to cross the dessert to America and work illegally in America to earn dollar. But some die in the dessert before they reach the America border.

Mexico is all about Spanish. It's so difficult to live a life there with my Chinese and English…

新加坡的圣诞节 2007

2000 年中五会考完毕, 那着第一本个人护照 (因为小时候的护照是和妈妈的同在一本), 和大姐, 二姐一起越过长堤到新加坡一个星期游山玩水和在乌节路 (Orchard Road) 过圣诞节.

后来在马来西亚最南端的柔佛士古来 (Skudai, Johor) 念工艺大学, 周末假期还是有特别节日什么的,都会往新加坡跑, 也和大学的朋友度过好几年的乌节路圣诞庆典.

2006年9月, 家人来参加我的毕业典礼,顺道新加坡, 我心里在想, 这次应该是我最后一次到新加坡了吧!离开柔佛到首都吉隆坡工作,很少有机会再会到新加坡.


而2007年圣诞节前夕, 大学的姐妹 Reena 说 : 不如我们到新加坡庆祝圣诞节吧! 结果我又回到乌节路.哈!


2007年乌节路的圣诞节感觉比往年的逊色,虽然还是处处可见缤纷的圣诞树, 灯饰, 布置, 但就缺少了那种华丽壮观, 会令人叹为观止的气派. 可惜...

难得的是和两个大学朋友, 德与川聚一聚.

除了乌节路, 我们也到了新加坡大大小小圣诞气息很浓的地方.

我们彼此约定, 五年至十年内不要再回到新加坡过圣诞节!!! 因为太麻木了, 实在没有什么惊喜和看头.

这次的三天两夜行程, 绝对值得一提的是我们住的背包旅馆, 坐落在 Bugis 一带, Sim Lin Tower 附近,也是有点小印度感觉的地区.很高兴 Reena 做足功课,找到地点理想, 刚刚完成装修, 新张营业的 Fragrance Backpackers Hostel.

准备登记! 我们都很兴奋, 因为这是第一次在新加坡住入背包旅馆, 更期待那6人房间里除了我们四人帮外, 还有两个住客是何方神圣?



为什么没有帅哥和我们同一间房, 好让我们可以把艳遇的故事带回马来西亚炫耀, 失望...

Row, row, row your boat...

I done a lot of kayaking back in university but i had never tried boat rowing.

Vern, my junior colleague, also my faculty junior in UTM, who on the same business trip wasn't convinced into boat rowing but he feels guilty to reject me.

The River Wey in Guildford is a tributary of River Thames, which flows through London.

I gave a little help - keep rowing!!! Boat rowing wasn't as easy as kayaking!!!

Vern did most of the hard work - keep rowing!!!

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Our efforts paid off - the view is stunning ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Porto Alegre and Sao Paolo, Brazil

My routine in Porto Alegre, Brazil:
wake up - 630am, the day is already very bright and just like Sabah isn't it?
go for breakfast - 7am in the hotel
BAT driver is waiting - 730am
arrive office - 815am as it takes 45 minutes from the hotel in the city to factory / office
start working - 830am... hahaha~~~

Sao Paolo, Brazil:

1. Quite surprise to see salted fish in Municipal Market. All the while I thought only chinese eat salted fish!

2. Lots of tropical fruits in Municipal Market, Sao Paolo e.g. nona, cempedak, the pineapple with longer, thinner, sharper shape, rambutan, banana, mangosteen… what is left is durian!!!!

3. Souvenir not at the tourist attraction, but in the shopping complex

4. Tourist attraction such as Metropolitan Cathedral is amazing, yet the square in front of it is such a mess and smelly with tramps

5. People do not speak englih, not even the restaurant waiter or hotel receptionist… very terrible in Porta Alegre, and slightly better in Sao Paolo, yet still challenges.

6. No iron and iron board in the four stars hotel i stayed. No bath tab, no kettle to boil water for coffee and tea...

7. Conclusion for what is must in the hotel
a) Bath tab
b) Bath gel
c) Iron & iron board
d) Cloth line
e) Kettle for boiling water
f) Hair dryer
g) Information about the city e.g. to do, food, etc
h) Drinking water, i just cant take water directly from the tab even is proven safe to drink


我在智利 (Chile) 遇见可爱的 Llama. Llama看起来像羊,骆驼,和马的混合体, 中文翻译成好几个不同的名字 - 大羊驼, 美洲驼, 骆马...
在中学的地理课中认识它, 是南美洲山脉地区原著民畜养的动物.和我一样高的 Llama 站在我眼前,除了兴奋,还有一股莫名其妙的感动! 

Llama 很温顺,对人类友善,一般上被训练来搬运送载物品. Llama 的颜色因品种而异,有黑色,白色,深褐色,浅褐色,灰色...它的毛可以用来制作纺织品,非常的轻又保暖.当地人说 Llama肉也可以吃,不过,我还没有在智利的餐馆菜单里发现这道菜肴.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


不知道是不是受徐志摩和"人间四月天"的影响, 英国的剑桥 (Cambridge) 是我一直都很向往的地方.

我在伦敦公干的时候, 趁着周末, 从 Liverpool Street Station 乘火车到剑桥.

我在月台上火车之前想: 没机会在剑桥念书, 可以到剑桥一游, 算是弥补了我心里小小的遗憾.

到了剑桥, 我可以选择旅游光观巴士, 有点高消费的德士, 累人的步行,或骑脚踏车! 最像个当地大学生的,当然就是骑脚踏车了!付了租金,加上酷酷的外套,我要出发啦!

再拍张照留念, 以我的技术, 不可能一边骑脚踏车, 一边拍照.

那天的天气好得很, 我的心情也美得不得了!
