Friday, November 6, 2009

Diary at Monterrey, Mexico

I know very little about Mexico. Desert, cactus, mexican food like tacos, tequila, mexican music, hot & spicy tabasco sauce (by the way, Tabasco is a state in Mexico, but tabasco sauce is from US, not Mexico!!!) drug? cowboy? good looking man?
Well, my diary at Monterrey, Mexico...

Monterrey is a city in the valley, surrounded by hills with the desert temperature which means hot in the day and cold at night. No rain, no wind, the sky is so clear, bright and no cloud at all.

In early spring of 2009, the lowest temperature is around 10'c while the highest temperature can go up to 40'c! This is due to the dessert weather and I’m so not use to live in a country with daily temperature changes from 10’c – 40’c.

Mexican food is very spicy but good! We went to El Papalote, a very unique Mexican restaurant serving the world's greatest tacos!


A few Mexican colleagues, who I worked with closely, are very low profile, friendly, helpful and excellent team player.

Mexico and its neighbor
Mexico and United States of America is like Malaysia and Singapore. The American will drive across the border and pump petrol (or gas) as the rate is lower in Mexico. The city where I was in, Monterey is 2 hours driving journey from the America. I was told by my Mexican colleagues that everyday, there are quite a number of Mexicans trying to cross the dessert to America and work illegally in America to earn dollar. But some die in the dessert before they reach the America border.

Mexico is all about Spanish. It's so difficult to live a life there with my Chinese and English…

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