Friday, November 6, 2009

At Mexico Airport

At Mexico City International AirportFrom Sao Paulo, Brazil, I took the connecting flight in Mexico City, before arriving in Monterey.

In the Mexico City airport, they took very long on the luggage collections where by the bags are arrange nicely on the conveyer belt. The conveyer belt is stopped and the policeman dog was running on the bag, from bag to bag, through and flows to check if there is any illegal item in the bags.It's very funny and first time I see this. The policeman dog is big and bags were just simply "pressed down" by it when it running from bag to bag.

Well, I’m actually quite worry that the policeman dog will stop on my bag!!! Because I have half a dozen on Maggie Mee cups!!! It is food and I'm sure the dog will like the food!!! hahaha~~~ if the policeman dog stop on your bag, the officer will put your bag aside, ask the owner to open the bag and check what you have in your bag.By the way, my imagination is just too good and actually both my bags are fine. The policeman dog not interested on the Maggie Mee cups at all.

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