Monday, October 19, 2009

Hiking to Tam Dao Peak at Vietnam

No, i didn't make it. The hike took 8 hours from 815 early in the morning and back to our hotel at 415PM.

Reasons i'm not joining :

1) I'm not fit for mountain hiking. Thank God i didn't go! All my friends came back and told me the hike was crazy!

2) I need more rest after days of on site Earthwatch Butterflies of Vietnam Project

3) I would like to save my energy fo the next day and day after, my Halong Bay trip

4) I need to recover from giant leech bite!!!

5) I rather not to push myself too hard. I'm not good at self motivation when come to hiking and i don't have a strong determination to conquest Tam Dao Peak

I stayed at the hotel room doing my laundry, reading, writing dairy, book my flight, nap, chatting with locals and called home.

It was so leisure, relax, with a lot of free time and taking photo of my wound dressing in toilet paper!!!

No personal laptop with me, and the internet cafe with six computers and very slow connection located quite a distance away from my hotel.

I spent time on day dreaming, thinking, eating the local fruit snacks... it was a different experience and i enjoyed it very much.
I was trying to play with plater but it jut simply didn't work well.

Conclusion, plaster with tobacco still the best solution :)

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