Monday, October 5, 2009

Snowing 下雪了

Hi everyone, i'm very happy today because i see SNOW!!!
看到雪了! 那天是2008年, 10月29日, 万圣节的前两天.

我在英国的 Guildford.虽然不是真正的下雪,但至少我看到因为昨夜与清晨的天气太冷,汽车上白茫茫的小冰雪花.

带着大大的兴奋和喜悦, 我在第二天放工后,到当地的室内溜冰场溜冰庆祝! 
The next day, i went to an indoor sport complex for ice skating.

I was born and grown up in Malaysia, a country with only sun, no snow!!! I haven been waiting for snow back in 2006, i stayed in London until 17th December, still no snow, and i left Heathrow Airport with a very reluctant heart.

我在阳光普照的马来西亚出生长大,24年从来没体验过下雪的滋味. 2006年在英国伦敦第一次感受冬天,等到12月17号要回国的那天,还是没下雪.我带着小小的不甘心和失落感,乘上马航班机,离开希斯罗机场.

In 2007, no chance for me to travel in winter.

2007 年的冬天,那里也没去.

2008, 21st Nov ( 2 days before my 25th birthday) , i see snow when i walked out from my hotel, 820am, i'm very happy it's snowing!!! i look at the sky, and snow keep falling on my face. i can hardly open my eye yet i can feel the snow and even taste the snow...


撑着伞, 快快乐乐地上班去,嘴里还可以呼出冷冷的小白烟.

2008 first snow in Hamburg, also my life time first snow.


I just love to reach my hand out in the air and let the snow collected on my hand, i love snow, i love winter.... walking to the office in a snowing morning, i just wish that my umbrella will be full of snow and turn into white umbrella! 

I write my name and Big Dar's name on car covered by snow, i just want people to know, i'm shuen, i see snow... it's snowing!

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