Saturday, February 6, 2010

A must try in Canada! Tim Hortons

Back in 2006 when I was in London, my colleague introduced me the Krispy Kreme doughnut. I gave it a try and wow!!! The doughnuts were so good!!! I could not stop myself from having one original glazed, one chocolate iced custard filled and one powdered strawberry everyday!

(Note: Three years later in 2009, Krispy Kreme opened its first store in Kuala Lumpur)

I thought Krispy Kreme serves the world best doughnut, comparing with J.Co Donuts from Indonesia and Malaysia home grown brand Big Apple.

Krispy Kreme dropped to second place when i tried the Tim Hortons doughnut in Canada!

Tim Hortons was found in 1964, known for its coffee and doughnuts. According to information i found, Tim Hortons is the Canada's largest food service operator opened twice as many Canadian outlets as McDonald's and holds 62% of Canadian coffee market compared to Starbucks in the number two position, at 7%.

Too bad, besides Canada, you can only find Tim Hortons in the US, UK, Ireland and Afghanistan (what?!?!)

One day when i'm rich enough, i will bring the franchise into Malaysia...

I really miss the doughnuts...

and more doughnuts...

Trust me, if you are going to Canada, you must try Tim Hortons!!!

1 comment:

  1. Krispy Kreme doughnut in London really good? Malaysia's are too sweet...sweet till i scared of sweet
