Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chile & Andes

Welcome to Chile!

I was in Santiago, Chile spring 2009. The weather was excelllent and I did some sight seeing in the city, as well as Andes.
Andes are the world's longest exposed mountain range. They lie as a continuous chain of highland along 7,000 km the western coast of South America, extend over seven countries : Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. The highest peak, Aconcagua rises to 6,962 m above see level. (Mount Kinabalu, tallest mountain is Malaysia is 4,095 metres above sea leave)
It was spring and yet there was still snow on the mountain tops.
In winter, this is the best place for skiing and snowboarding.
The resorts and restaurant.
Enjoying a glass of hot chocolate with cream is the most wonderful time of my visit :)

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