Thursday, August 13, 2009

Type of travel

For me, there are two type of travel :

1. Experience Trip
2. Sight Seing Trip

Experience Trip is you do something during the trip that the trip so unforgettable while Sight Seeing Trip is visit the tourist attraction, take a few photos of you standing in front of the landmark and leave the place. A simple example will be, i been to Paris Eiffel Tower, looking at it from far, near, bottom; taking photos from various angles; posing solo, with friends, etc At the end, it was a sight seeing and nothing much i can remember after years. But, if i would have a fine French cuisine at Eiffel Tower Restaurant with my love one, romantic ambient music as the background, and he is going to propose to me when we are having our dessert... of cause not forgetting the roses and diamond ring! The same Eiffel Tower will have different meaning and the trip is a Experience Trip.

With above TSS's theory, i tend to cut down my Sight Seeing Trip when i travel and try to introduce more Experience Trip. A few wonderful Experience Trips were :

1. Vineyard tour at Denbies Wine Estate, England
2. Catamaran and dolphin watching cruise at Indian Ocean
3. Walking with lion , quad biking and safari at Casela Park, Mauritius
4. Halong Bay cruise, Vietnam
5. Dutch farm and country side outing, Netherlands
6. Cambridge cycling trip, United Kingdom
7. Hasting beach / town / seafood explore , United Kingdom
8. London, London and more London, United Kingdom

My purely Sight Seeing Trip in the cities below :

1. Paris
2. Berlin
3. Singapore
4. Hanoi
5. Hamburg
6. Montreal
7. Port Loius
8. Tokyo
9. Santiago

Mixture trip

1. Ireland
2. Belgium
3. Thailand
4. Brazil

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