Wednesday, August 19, 2009

At London Heathrow Airport

The airport immigration and customs offices are not friendly and sometime very rude. This is the nature of their job to be very strict for everyone who wanted to enter UK. You are coming for the right purpose and do not have to be nervous. What you have to do is:

- not too funny, don’t laugh, don't be playful
- not too rude and ego
- be very professional, polite and steady. You will have problem listening to their British accent. Ask them to repeat the question. Do not guess the questions and simply answer. Make sure you give the correct answers.

Typical questions:

Is this your first time to UK?

Why are you here?
For holiday. I plan to visit London and a few country sides near London e.g. Bath, Stonehenge, Cambridge and Greenwich.

How long will you stay?
1 week. I have my Malaysia Airlines business class ticket back to Kuala Lumpur on 28 July. (You can show him the ticket is necessary)

Where are you staying?
Marlin Service Apartment as address is stated in the entry card. (MAS will give you the boarding card in flight. Filled in all the information correctly including your address in London)

Marlin Queen Street
30 Queen Street
Phone: +44 (0)207 378 4840
Fax: +44 (0)207 378 4841
Reservation Reference: WJTEWSJ

Are you traveling alone?
Yes. I’m traveling alone from Malaysia. But I will meet up with my friend in London.

I love serviced apartment

I stayed at hotel or serviced apartment when I was on business trips. Personally, I prefer serviced apartment than any hotel, especially the Marlin Serviced Apartment London. Marlin Serviced Apartment London owns over 570 luxury serviced apartments and I was staying in Marlin Empire Square and Marlin Queen Street which were both top quality accommodation, ideal for business and family.

Marlin Empire Square

What I love Marlin Serviced Apartment the most is the best use of space. The living room is perfectly sized with most up-to-date technology including broadband, wide screen television and the fully equipped kitchen comes with microwave, oven, fridge, dishwasher and complete cooking facilities.
Comfortable bedroom

Modern, stylish and secure, it’s absolutely perfect in every possible way.

Let me refresh my daily route to the office. From Marlin Empire Square (34 Long Lane), few minutes walk to Borough Station, which service Northern Line. Change to Circle Line or District Line at Monument Station and get down four stations later at Temple Station.

When I was staying at Marlin Queen Street, Big Dar visited me. Marlin Queen Street is ideally located next to Mansion House Station and within a 5 minuted walk of Central London’s most famous attraction such as St.Paul’s Cathedral, Tate Modern, fine restaurants and supermarket. Although that was Big Dar first time in London, where we stayed has easy access to everywhere in London and he enjoyed his sight seeing holiday while I went to work.

If you are going to London, live in Marlin.

Another wonderful serviced apartment that I highly recommended is the New Amsterdam Serviced Apartment in The Netherlands.

Musical in London

My first musical theatre experience was at Queen’s Theatre, London watching the Les Miserables, the longest running musical in history based on the 1862 novel by Victor Hugo. The show combining music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance was simply amazing.

One show is never enough. When I was on my second business trip to London, my colleague and I decided to watch The Phantom of the Opera after work. The Phantom of the Opera is a musical based on the French novel. The major character Phantom is a genius composer, musician and magician who hides behind a white mask and is known as the Opera Ghost.

The Phantom of the Opera opened at Her majesty’s Theatre in 1986, and lucky me, in its 21st year, I had the opportunity to watch the London’s greatest love story live in the same theatre. I am yet to watch the film nor read the novel, may be I should.

2008 summer, I was at London with Big Dar. We were looking for something sweet, light and easy. Of course The Sound of Music playing at London Palladium Theatre became of our choice.

Our seating location was at Royal section, row H, seats 32-31 with total charge approximately RM 400. We sang along many songs - The Sound of Music, My Favorite Things, Do-Re-Mi, Sixteen Going on Seventeen, So Long, Farewell, Edelweiss… that reminded us about our childhood and wonderful time together. This is the best musical theatre experience ever!

By defination, Broadway Theatre represent the highest level of commercial theatre in the English-speaking world. Next on my list are :

1. Mamma Mia
2. Cats
3. Miss Saigon
4. Marry Poppins / The Lion King
5. Sister Act / The King and I / Evita

Stonehenge, United Kingdom

I have been to Stonehenge two times.

It located in the English country of Wiltshire, about 120 kilometers from London.

One of the UNESCO World Heritage site, Stonehenge age estimated at 3100 BC with speculation on the reason it was built range from human sacrifice to alien.

This stone monument contains a circular setting of large standing stones.

Four UNESCO World Heritage sites in Malaysia, I have been to Mulu National Park, Melaka and George Town! The Kinabalu Park will continue to be my dream, don’t think I am fit enough to conquer the Malaysia and Southeast Asia's highest moutain.

Big Dar, we go together, ok?


我第一次到德国,不是为了公干,而是和一位朋友一起背包旅行.我从英国伦敦出发,搭上了廉价航空RYAN AIR, 和他在德国的汉堡会合,第二天才乘巴士到首都柏林.

因为自费,没有星级的酒店或公寓,我们就住在很简单的宿舍旅馆/背包旅馆 -AO Hostel.









和我最喜欢的果汁!!! 一天的旅程要开始了!!! 


日本东京的那一次公干,从接到通知,申请签证,接洽到出发,只有短短的两个星期。一个星期准备,另一个星期则在老早就安排好的浮罗交怡公司部门旅行。还记得我从浮罗交怡回来的那个傍晚,随手把行李放一旁,匆匆地 收拾另一个行李,一些秋天的衣服和体面的上班套装,就捉紧时间睡觉。因为隔天一早,我就要飞日本东京。





东京铁塔在都港区芝公园西侧,我公司在日本的办公楼位于 Atago Mori Tower, 及我住的酒店 The Prince Park Tower Tokyo,二十五千日元一晚.

这个角度刚好把东京铁塔, 我公司 ( 远方中间) 及我住宿的酒店摄入镜. 我每天走路到公司都会川过一个开始有秋天红叶的城市公园, 带着美丽的心情上班.

浅草寺 (Asakusa) 是东京最古老和香火鼎盛的寺院.

我刚好遇上的当地的参拜活动, 深深地感受到热闹的庙会气氛. 信徒都穿上传统和服, 虔诚地在膜拜,祈求一切平安顺利.

浅草寺的灯笼花市, 特色小吃, 土产... 让我逛上了一个凉风轻轻的秋天上午.


秋叶原 ( Akihabara) 是世界著名的电器街. 感觉就像加大了很多倍的新加坡的 SimLim Square 或马来西亚的 LowYat Plaza. 实际上除了电器, 动画, 游戏, 音响, 数码产品, 电子电脑科技... 都令我打开眼界.

漂亮的东洋美眉在秋叶原的街口分派传单, 她们的打扮很可爱, 像从动画卡通游戏里走出来的人物.


吃在东京也是一件很愉快的事. 在马来西亚常常会上日本餐馆吃寿司, 拉面,串烧等料理. 由于没有时间找资料, 我每一次用餐, 都到东京的黄金地带走动, 然后选择人气最旺的店, 不管店面的大小, 顾客多, 应该就是好吃了吧! 我尝到不少正宗的日式美食, 虽然有时候价钱是贵了点, 但是物有所值.



再来一个特写. 各式各样的寿司就盛在一张小木凳子. Itadakimasu! 味道很鲜,我隐约还可以感觉到那深深蓝蓝的大海.

新宿 (Shinjuku) 是东京最闻名的红灯区! 不少的色情文化都在这里大放异彩. 我到过荷兰的红灯区, 那里是很开放, 性服务, 情趣商店, 寻欢作乐的场所都很透明化, 一切引入眼帘... 反之新宿的歌舞伎町虽然五光十色, 外表看起来相当保守.

可是我日本同事说, 只要你进到店里头, 什么新奇古怪的玩意儿都有, 完全超出你的想象. 可能日本人的含蓄, 骨子里却创意和有高度的另类激情. 可惜多姿多彩的只招待男士, 我没有机会见识.

我一定还要再去日本, 就是为了我错过的 :

1。 东京的士尼乐园
2。 富士山
3。 子弹火车
4。 泡温泉
5。 看一场扑相比赛

6。 艺妓表演

7。 让我遇上一个会耍飞镖的忍者吧!