Sunday, January 31, 2010

Britain? United Kingdom? England?

I always confuse England with Britain or United Kingdom. Let's google!

Britain and Ireland (British Isles):
- Two large islands just northwest of the European mainland
- Comprises of United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
- Includes the British Crown dependencies of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK):
- Constitutional monarchy comprising most of the British Isles
- Comprises of four constituent nations : England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- The capital and largest city of the UK is London
- Republic of Ireland is a completely separate country to the United Kingdom

- Largest of the four “home nations” that make up the UK
- With almost 52 million inhabitants ( roughly 90% of the total population of the UK)
- Large cities i.e. London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, and York.

OK! Done! Confused No More!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


我对逛街购物总是提不起劲。很多女生看到名牌包包,美丽的衣服鞋子,首饰都会很兴奋,想要拥有。我对这些都没什么感觉,真不明白小时候妈妈是怎样教我的。 哈哈!


我喜欢感受那种当地人实在生活,新鲜的蔬菜水果花卉,特色的小吃食材,日常用品,古董,穿的,家里装饰的,形形色色的人来人往,还会遇上一些惊喜。。。 常常,我可以在集市场逛上一整个上午,很享受,很丰盛,很多回忆。








Big Dar 好严肃,要买面包吗?


Crepes!!! 加点巧克力, 或者花生酱就一流!!!






1. Portobello Market in Notting Hill, London
2. Camden Lock Market, London
3. Irish Farmer and Fisherman Market in Howth Harbour, Ireland
4. Hamburg Fish Market, Germany
5. open air market near Amstelveen Centrum, Netherlands
6. Mercado Paulistano Mercado Municipal in Sao Paulo, Brazil
7. Copacabana Night Market, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Saturday, January 16, 2010


美丽的早上, 明媚的阳光, 天空一片蔚蓝,白云朵朵, 凉风习习, 是出海看海豚的好日子.

从毛里求斯的码头, 我们风帆船往印度洋启航啦!

帅帅的 Big Dar

公司的荷兰老板知道我们要到毛里求斯度蜜月, 而我一直都没有一副好的太阳眼镜, 就送贴心的送了一千多零吉的 Fendi 名牌货给我当结婚礼物. 太棒了!!!

看到海豚了吗? 它们以很快的速度像冲浪般的游到水面,转眼间,又回到海底.


离开海豚的出没的海域,我们换了泳衣, 要去浮潜. 
海水清澈见底, 小鱼群穿梭在珊瑚间,真的很美, 很奇妙,很难忘...

浮潜过后, 我和 Big Dar 手牵着手, 光着脚, 在洁白绵绵细沙的海滩上, 留恋着这充满浪漫气息的人间天堂...

Autumn 2008

I'm going to blog about my 2008 autumn in Surrey, England.

Surrey is a county in the South East of England. I spent almost three weeks in Guildford, county town of Surrey and a few days in Peaslake, a village in Surrey.

Guildford situated 45km southwest of London and the travel time will be 35 minutes by train, from London Waterloo station to Guildford station or London Road (Guildford) station. I explored the central area of Guildford by foot. The Guildhall at High Street, Guidford with its 300 + years old overhanging clock!

After work, we took taxi from office to High Street for dinner because buses in Guildford were not as adequate as in London.

Again, took the taxi back to lovely Mandolay Hotel. I am lookng forward to return to this finest hotel in Guildford.

At Millmead along the River Wey in Guildford, I sat with Alice and her sister on the grass looking at the White Rabbit running towards his hole. Guildford has several Alice art works because the author of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" , Lewis Carroll died on January 14, 1898 in Guildford.

Near Guildford, the Newlands Corner... i like the name! There are large areas of chalk grassland and woodlands.

and large horse population...

Peaslake is a small English village in the centre of the Surrey Hills area. Although it is close to Guildford, the only to access to this countryside is by car using roads which are at some point single track and surrounded by acres of forest acres of forest.

Quiet, cosy, unique, place place for leisure...

I was staying at The Hurtwood Inn for a few nights. The hotel has been privately owned and family run since 1992. What i like the most about this cottage hotel is the open fire place and comfy sofas...

Let's go for a walk to explore the outstanding beauty of Peaslake.


在马来西亚除了少数餐馆有卖野味, 其他稀奇古怪的食物就比较少见. 可是当你一路向北到了泰国, 柬埔寨, 越南, 琳琅满目的特色小吃就陆续出现了.

我在越南的首都河内及附近的小镇, 都看到卖这种烤鸡蛋的小摊子.

里头是孵化了一半儿的小鸡!!! 还不是小鸡, 但是已经成型了. 连同毛, 肉, 骨头, 内脏什么的一起吃下去,太恶心了!!!

在那里, 蝎子/蛇类药酒很普遍. 有些装在循环使用的矿泉水瓶子里,有些则包装在可以卖得比较好价钱的玻璃瓶子里, 贴上"河内伏特加"的标签.

我对那些诡异的食物完全不敢恭维. 但是,却非常喜欢河内啤酒, Bia Ha Noi. 4.2% 的酒精, 冰凉得来很顺喉, 我可以一连喝上两瓶450毫升庄的.

另外值得一提的是越南咖啡. 他们不煮,也不泡, 就是把咖啡粉放进滴漏式的杯子,加热水,压上有小孔洞的滤子, 一滴一滴的让下面的杯子里.

日常三餐的食物和马来西亚华人有点相像. 比如鸡丝粥, 热腾腾的上桌后, 撒些胡椒粉调味, 好好吃.

卖相不怎么样的牛肉果条面汤, 却很美味. 尤其是那汤,我都喝得一干二净.

春卷材料有有蔬菜,鸡蛋,肉类和自制的酱汁. 大家围在饭桌前一起包春卷的感觉热闹温馨, 是很好的联谊食物.

糯米饭的吃法很简单, 就是给你一些捣碎的花生, 一粒水煮蛋, 和糯米一起吃. 如果不饱, 还可以吃越南的法式面包. 越南是法国的殖民地, 当地的食物,多多少少也受法式料理的影响, 再本土化.

所以少不了著名的法国名菜, 蜗牛餐!

还有薯条!!! French fries!!! 特别的是,薯条没有和炸鸡, 汉堡包,可乐一起,就这样配白饭,蔬菜,肉类一起吃.

最后, 我也很怀念的调味沾酱. 盐,红辣椒,加上四分之一的鲜吉子汁, 咸辣带酸, 开胃得不得了, 什么沾上它都很好吃.

第二种吃法是盐,胡椒粉,加上吉子汁,哇!一样的让我口水直流. 可是回到马来西亚以后,我用同样的材料准备,却找不回那味道.... 可能是我们的盐不一样吧!!!